Thursday, April 3, 2008


Sometimes, things and just life in general feel hard, because I am comparing them to myself. In those times, I have narrowed the view through the lens of my life to just include me and some other people who (obviously, lol) have it easier than I do.

Usually (and normally), that attitude is far from the truth. If I could just pause for a moment, widen the lens and see the entire landscape, my thoughts are different.

With a wider view, I think more compassionate and true thoughts. I realize (again) how blessed I am and how much I am loved.

(even though I never wash my dishes and they grow mold in the sink and it's not because I'm busy, it's because I plain don't want to, don't care and would rather sit on the couch.)

I stay up late at night reading these blogs.

Noah Steven

Confessions of a CF Husband


Audrey Caroline

I love them.

They remind me of the truth. The truth that God and His Word are faithful, just, loving and powerful. That God is kind, righteous, holy, compassionate, full of mercy and grace. That Jesus died to save everyone. Even me. Even when I'm full of pride, lacking compassion, snotty and selfish. Even my grouchy neighbor.

They widen my oh-so-narrow view through my little lens.

What I'm thinking of tonight: Romans 8


Unknown said...

It's hard to keep things in perspective when it's so easy to focus on myself and not see the big picture.

Sadly, it can be so easy to become ungrateful for what God has done and is doing in my life. Especially if I see someone who I view as seeming to have everything; the natural talent, the money, the perfect relationship.

And I forget how lucky I am just to live and know God and if nothing else came of this life to be loved by the Lord of the Universe, as Chris would say, "Hello!"

But once that is put back into focues through prayer and time in the Word, than I am free, and I am able to love others and not be so bah-humbug about everything, because the love that God has shown me is now in perspective.

It's so good that God is infinitly patient cause I think I would have made Him run out that a long time ago. ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you read Georgina! My best friend knows her personally... crazy.



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